Exploring Phase 2 ESA in Calgary: Why It’s Crucial for Property Owners and Developers

Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) play a pivotal role in ensuring environmental compliance and minimizing risks associated with property transactions and development projects. In Calgary, the Phase 2 ESA is a critical step for property owners, developers, and stakeholders aiming to understand and mitigate environmental concerns. What is a Phase 2 ESA? A Phase 2 ESA is a detailed investigation conducted to assess potential or existing environmental contamination on a property. While a Phase 1 ESA focuses on historical records, visual inspections, and interviews, a Phase 2 ESA dives deeper. It involves collecting soil, groundwater, and sometimes air samples to analyze for contaminants like petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This assessment is typically recommended when the Phase 1 ESA identifies potential environmental concerns or "recognized environmental conditions" (RECs). For example, properties with past uses as gas stati...